Blue Exclaimation Mark

The Problem

  • Late shipment refunds are not paid automatically.
  • Businesses need to analyze shipping data, submit claims, and follow up with carriers to ensure they received the correct refunds.
  • Most businesses don't have the time, people or technology to effectively manage refunds in-house.
Blue Key

The Solution

  • We use proprietary software for our shipping audit service to identify your refunds, and then we submit the claims and ensure your refunds are paid.
  • Set & Forget! Carriers pay you back directly without you ever lifting a finger.
  • The only fee is a share of the money you get back from your carriers!
Blue Dollar Bills

The Benefits

  • 5-20% reduction in shipping expenses annually.
  • Refund dollars can be used to grow your business.
  • Holding your carrier accountable leads to fewer late deliveries and improved service.
  • Free data on late shipments which can be used to leverage better carrier rates.

Move The Truck To See How Much You Save

Your savings:

Carrier Warehouse
Carrier House

The calculator shows 5% - 20% annual savings on your shipping costs.

Get started in less than 2 minutes

Number One
Submit Form Clipart

Sign-up in 2 minutes using the simple & secure registration page.

Number Two
Computer Clipart

We audit your shipments & ensure your claims are submitted, tracked, & paid!

Number Three
Money Bag

Your refunds are credited directly to your account by your carrier.

Various Shipping Carrier Logos

We understand the complexities of managing multiple carrier accounts.

With our carrier audit service, we are here to simplify the process and maximize your potential refunds, leaving no stone unturned.